Arabic given names
ا ʼAlif[edit]
- إبتسام (ʼIbtisām), Ibtisam. "Smile". ٍ Feminine.
- إبراهيم (ʼIbrāhīm), Ibrahim. "Father, leader of many" Arabic form of Abraham. Masculine.
- أبو بكر (ʼAbū Bakr), Abu Bakr. "Father of the first born". Masculine.
- إحسان (ʼIḥsān), Ihsan. "Charity, to do good". Both Masculine and Feminine.
- أحلام (ʼAḥlām). "Dreams". Feminine.
- أحمد (ʼAḥmad), Ahmad or Ahmed. "To praise or to thank". Masculine.
- إدريس (ʼIdrīs). Islamic form of a person known as Enoch in the Bible. Masculine.
- آدم (ʼĀdam), Adam. Arabic form of Adam. "Made of mud, earth, clay". Masculine.
- أسامة (ʼUsāmaḧ), Osama. "Lion". Masculine.
- إسحاق (ʼIsḥāq), Ishaq. Islamic form of Isaac. Masculine.
- أسماء (ʼAsmāʼ), Asmaa. "Names". Feminine.
- إسماعيل (ʼIsmāʻīl), Ismail. Arabic form of Ishmael. Masculine.
- أشرف (ʼAšraf), Ashraf. "Most honorable one". Masculine.
- إلهام (ʼIlhām), Ilham. "Inspiration". Feminine.
- أمّ كلثوم (ʼUmm Kulṯūm). "Woman with plump cheeks". Feminine.
- آمال (ʼĀmāl), Amal. "Hopes, aspirations (plural of Amal)". Feminine.
- أمنية (ʼUmniah). "A wish". Feminine.
- أمانيّ (ʼAmāniyy). "Wishes, hopes". Feminine.
- أمل (ʼAmal), Amal. "Hope, aspiration". Feminine.
- آمنة (ʼAmenaḧ). "Safe, protected". Feminine.
- أميرة (ʼAmīraḧ). "Princess". Feminine.
- أميمة (ʼUmaymaḧ). "Small mother". Feminine.
- أمين (ʼAmīn), Amin. "Honest, reliable". Masculine.
- أمينة (ʼAmīna), Amina. "Honest, reliable". Feminine.
- أنس (Ānas), Anas. "Leisure, pleasure, companionship". Masculine.
- أنيق (ʼAnīq). "Graceful, elegant". Masculine.
- أنيقة (ʼAnīqa). "Graceful, elegant". Feminine.
- إنتصار (ʼIntiṣār). "Victory". Feminine.
- أسد (Assad), Assad. "Lion". Masculine.
- إيمان (ʼĪmān). "Faith, belief". Feminine.
- أيمن (ʼAyman), Ayman. "Lucky; on the right". Masculine.
- إيناس (ʼĪnās). "To provide companionship". Feminine.
- أيّوب (ʼAyyūb), Ayyub. Arabic form of Job. Masculine.
- العنود (Al Anood). "A beautiful type of deer with gorgeous eyes". Feminine.
- اسيل (Aseel). "Soft cheeks". Feminine.
ب Bāʼ[edit]
- باسل (Bāsil). "Brave, Valiant". Masculine.
- باسم (Bāsim). "Smiling". Masculine.
- بدريّة (Badriyyaḧ). "adjective form of [Bader]which means a full moon in Arabic". Feminine.
- بسّام (Bassām), Bassam. "Smiling". Masculine.
- بشّار (Baššār), Bashaar. "The deliverer of good news". Masculine.
- بشارة (Bishāraḧ), Bisharah. "Good news". Masculine.
- بشر (Bishr), Bishr. "To expect good news, to be optimistic". Masculine.
- بشرى (Bushrā), Bushra. Feminine form of Bishr.
- بلال (Bilāl), Bilal. "Moistening". Masculine.
- بهاء (Bahāʼ), Baha'. "Beauty, brilliance". Both Masculine and Feminine.
ت Tāʼ[edit]
- توفيق (Tawfīq), Tawfiq. "Success; reconciliation". Masculine.
- تيسير (Taysīr). "To become easy, to be attainable". Masculine.
- تميم (Tameem). Masculine.
- تهاني (Tahani). "Congratulations". Feminine.
- تامر (Tamir). "One who has much dates". Masculine.
- تقي (Taqi). "One who is careful". Masculine.
- تقية (Taqiyya). Feminine form of Taqi.
ث Ṯāʼ[edit]
- ثريّا (Ṯurayyā), Soraya. "The Pleiades". Feminine.
- ثناء (Ṯanāʼ), Sanaa. "Praise, commendation, eulogy". Feminine.
ج Jīm[edit]
- جابر (Jābir). "Fixer". Masculine.
- جاسم (Jāsim). "With great body building". Masculine. The name can also mean "The just" from (Qasem) since Gulf Coastal Arab people pronounce the Q as J as in (qareeb) to (Jereeb) which means "Near".
- جعفر (Ja'far), Jafar. "A small river, a stream". Masculine.
- جمال (Jamāl), Jamal. "Beauty". Masculine.
- جمعة (Jum'ah). "Friday". Masculine.
- جميل (Jamīl), Jamil. "Beautiful". Masculine.
- جميلة (Jamīlaḧ), Jamilah. "Beautiful". Feminine.
- جواد (Jawād). "Generous". Masculine.
ح Ḥāʼ[edit]
- حامد (Ḥāmid). "Thankful". Masculine.
- حبيب (Ḥabīb), Habib. "Lovely". Masculine.
- حسن (Ḥasan), Hassan. "Good". Masculine.
- حسين (Ḥusayn), Husayn or Hussein. "Better". Masculine.
- حلميّ (Ḥilmiyy), Hilmi. "Does not become angry easily". Masculine.
- حمد (Ḥamd). "Praise". Masculine.
- حمديّ (Ḥamdiyy). "Related to praise". Masculine.
- حمود (Ḥamūd). "A praised man". Masculine.
- حميد (Ḥamīd), Hamid. "Praised". Masculine.
- حميدة (Ḥamīdaḧ), Hamidah. "Praised". Feminine.
- حنان (Ḥanān), Hanan. "Tenderness, kindness, love". Arabic form of Hannah, Ann. Feminine.
- حياة (Ḥayāḧ). Hayat. "Life". Feminine.
- حیدر (Ḥāider), Haider. "Lion". Masculine.
- حازم (Ḥāzem). "Strict, dicsisive". Masculine.
خ Khāʼ[edit]
- خالد (Khālid), Khalid. "Immortal". Masculine.
- خديجة (Khadījaḧ), Khadijah. "A girl born before pregnancy is complete (ex. 7 months)". Feminine.
- خلف (Khalaf). "Decendant, to inherit the work". Masculine
- خليل (Khalīl), Khalil. "Best Friend, favorate one". Masculine.
د Dāl[edit]
- داليا (Dāliyā). "Grape vine". Feminine
- داوود (Dāwūd), Dawud. Islamic form of David. Masculine.
- دعاء (Duʻāʼ). "Prayer, call". Feminine.
ذ Ḏāl[edit]
ر Rāʼ[edit]
- راويه (Rawyah). "A narrator or a storyteller". Feminine.
- رجاء (Rajāʼ). "Hope". Feminine, rarely Masculine.
- رشاد (Rashād). "Righteousness". Masculine
- رشيد (Rashīd), Rasheed. "Righteous". Masculine.
- رضا (Riḍā). "Contentment". Masculine.
- رضوان (Riḍwān). "Satisfaction (of Allah)", it is also the name of the Guardian Angel of Paradise in Islamic belief". Masculine.
- رمضان (Ramaḍān), Ramadan. "Nineth month of the Islamic Calender, the month of prayer; ultimately it means "The hot month". Masculine.
- ريم (Rīm), Reem. "Deer". Feminine.
- رامز (Rāmez). "Signaled". Masculine.
- رامي (Rāmi). "Archer". Masculine.
- ريان (Rayān). "Filled with water, the opposite of thirsty". Masculine.
ز Zāī[edit]
- زبير (Zubayr). "Small piece of iron.". Masculine.
- زكيّ (Zakiyy). "Pure, chaste". Masculine.
- زهرة (Zahraḧ). "Flower". Feminine.
- زياد (Ziyād). "Increase, addition". Masculine.
- زيد (Zayd). "Growth, intense.". Masculine.
- زينب (Zaynab). "A huge tree with a beautiful smell, usually grows in deserts". Feminine.
- زينة (Zeenah). "Decorative, beautiful". Feminine.
- زهراء (Zahra). "Light". Feminine.
- زكريا (Zakariyya), Zakariya. Arabic form of Zacharias. Masculine.
س Sīn[edit]
- ساجد (Sājid), Sājid. "One who kneels in prayer / prostrates". Masculine.
- سارة (Sara), Sarah. "A woman that is a pleasure (to see/know)". Feminine.
- سالم (Sālim). "Safe, healthy". Masculine.
- سالمة (Sālimah), Sālimah. Feminine form of Sālim.
- سامي (Sāmiyy), Sami. "Lofty; exalted". Masculine.
- سامية (Sāmiyyaḧ). "Lofty; exalted". Feminine.
- سجّاد (Sajjād), Sajjād. "One who is continuously kneeling in prayer / prostrating". Masculine.
- سحر (Saḥar)."The last hours of night before dawn". Feminine.
- سعاد (Suʻād). "Happiness". Feminine
- سعد (Saʻd). "Good fortune". Masculine
- سعديّة (Saʻdiyyaḧ). "Good fortune". Feminine form of Sa'd.
- سعيد (Saʻīd), Saeed. "Happy". Masculine.
- سلمان (Salmān), Salman. "Safe". Masculine.
- سلمة (Salamah). "Peaceful, tranquil". Feminine.
- سلمى (Salma). "Safe". Feminine.
- سلوى (Salwā). "To forget sorrow with". Feminine.
- سليم (Salīm). "Healthy, safe". Masculine.
- سليمان (Sulaymān), Sulayman. Arabic form of Solomon. Masculine.
- سماح (Samāḥ). "Forgiveness". Feminine.
- سمر (Samar). "Entertainment at night". Feminine.
- سمير (Samīr), Samir. "One that is an entertaining companion at night." Masculine.
- سميرة (Samīraḧ), Samirah. Feminine form of Samir.
- سناء (Sanāʼ). "Brilliance, radiance, splendour". Feminine.
- سهام (Sihām). "Arrows". Feminine.
- سهير (Suhayr). "Little one that stays up all night". Feminine.
- سدرہ (Sidra). "Type of tree." Feminine.
- سوسن (Sawsan). "The white lily". Arabic form of Susan. Feminine.
- سيّد (Sayyid). "Master". Masculine.
- سيف (Sayf). "Sword". Masculine.
ش Shīn[edit]
- شريف (Sharīf). "Honorable". Masculine.
- شعبان (Shaʻbān). "The eighth month of the Islamic calender". Masculine.
- شيماء (Shayma). "The one with great traits". Feminine.
- شيرين (Shīrīn). "Sweet, pleasant, gracious, delicate". Persian name. Feminine.
- شومان (Shoman). "Old name of brightness". Masculine.
ص Ṣād[edit]
- صادق (Ṣādiq). "Truthful". Masculine.
- صالح (Ṣāliḥ). "Good person". Masculine.
- صباح (Ṣabāḥ). "Morning". Feminine.
- صدّام (Ṣaddām), Saddam. "To confront". Masculine.
- صفاء (Ṣafāʼ). "Purity". Feminine.
- صفيّة (Ṣafiyyaḧ), Safiyyah. "Pure". Feminine.
- صلاح (Ṣalāḥ). "Goodness". Masculine.
ض Ḍād[edit]
- ضرغام (Ḍerḍăm). "Lion". Masculine.
ط Ṭāʼ[edit]
- طارق (Ṭāriq), Tariq. "The name of a star; One that passes by, comes often". Masculine.
- طه (Ṭāhā), Taha. "The letters in the beginning of Surat Taha. Merely two letters with no other meaning". Masculine.
- طريف (Ṭārif). "Interesting, funny". Masculine.
- طلحه (Ṭalha). Masculine.
- طيب (Ṭayyab) "Kind, good". Masculine.
- طيبه (Ṭayyaba). "Kind, good". Feminine.
- طاهر (Ṭahir). "Pure, clean ritually". Masculine.
- طاهره (Ṭahira) "Pure, clean ritually". Feminine form of Tahir.
- طلال (Ṭalal). Masculine.
- طلعت (Ṭalat). Masculine.
ظ Ẓāʼ[edit]
- ظفر (Ẓāfer), Zafer "Victor, successful. Masculine.
- ظهير الدين (Ẓāher alden), Zahear aldin (Adder of the religion). Masculine.
- ظبيــة (Dhabia), "The beautiful deer". Feminine.
ع ʻAyn[edit]
- عائشة (ʻĀʼishaḧ), A'isha. "One who lives". Feminine.
- عادل (ʻĀdil). "Equitable". Masculine.
- عبّاس (ʻAbbās), Abbas. "Lion". Masculine.
- عبد الحليم (ʻAbdu-l-Ḥalīm), Abdul-halim. "Servant of the patient one". Masculine.
- عبد الحميد (ʻAbdu-l-Ḥamīd), ‘Abd al-Hamid. "Servant of the praised one". Masculine.
- عبد الرحمن (ʻAbdu-r-Raḥmān), Abd ar-Rahman. Masculine.
- عبد الرحيم (ʻAbdu-r-Raḥīm), Abdul-rahim. "Servant of the most compassionate one". Masculine.
- عبد الرزّاق (ʻAbdu-r-Razzāq), Abdul-razzaq. "Servant of the maintainer". Masculine.
- عبد السلام (ʻAbdu-s-Salām), Abdul-salam. "Servant of the peace". Masculine.
- عبد العزيز (ʻAbdu-l-ʻAzīz), Abdul-aziz, Abdul-azeez. "Servant of the dear one". Masculine.
- عبد الغني (ʻAbdu-l-Ġaniyy), Abdul-ghani. "Servant of the rich one". Masculine.
- عبد الفتّاح (ʻAbdu-l-Fattāḥ), Abdul-fattah. "Servant of the opener." Masculine.
- عبد القادر (ʻAbdu-l-Qādir), Abdul-qadir. "Servant of the capable." Masculine.
- عبد الكريم (ʻAbdu-l-Karīm), Abdul-karim. "Servant of the generous one". Masculine.
- عبد اللطيف (ʻAbdu-l-Laṭīf), Abdul-latif. Masculine.
- عبد الله (ʻAbdu-llāh), ‘Abdullah. "Servant of God". Masculine.
- عبد المجيد (ʻAbdu-l-Maǧīd), Abdul-majid. "Servant of the glorious one". Masculine.
- عبد المنعم (ʻAbdu-l-Munʻim), Abdul-munim. "Servant of the benefactor". Masculine.
- عبد الهادي (ʻAbdu-l-Hādī). Masculine.
- عبد الوهّاب (ʻAbdu-l-Wahhāb), Abdul-wahhab. "Servant of the giver". Masculine.
- عبده (ʻAbduhu). "His servant". Masculine.
- عبير (ʻAbīr). "Fragnance". Feminine.
- عثمان (ʻUṯmān), Othman. The name of one of the companions of Muhammad SAW. Masculine.
- عدنان (ʻAdnān). Masculine.
- عذبه (Athbah). "Pure water". Feminine.
- عزّة (ʻAzzaḧ), "Great, powerful, protected, unhurtable". Feminine.
- عزيز (ʻAzīz), Aziz. "Dear". Masculine.
- عزيزة (ʻAzīzaḧ), Azizah. "Dear". Feminine.
- عصام (ʻIṣām). Masculine.
- عطيّة (ʻAṭiyyaḧ). "Gift, present". Masculine/Feminine (one of the few Arabic names that can be used for males and females.
- عفاف (ʻAfāf). Masculine.
- علاء (ʻAlāʼ). "Exalted, prestige, glory". Masculine.
- عليّ (ʻAliyy), Ali. "High". Masculine. See also Eli.
- عليّة (ʻAliyyaḧ), Alia. "High". Feminine.
- عمر (ʻUmar), Umar. "To live long". Masculine.
- عمرو (Amr), Amr. Masculine.
- عمار (Ammar), Ammar. "Long lived". Masculine.
- عمران (ʻImrān), Imran. "Prosperity". Masculine
- عمرانا (ʻImrāna), Imran. Feminine form of Imran.
- عواطف (ʻAwāṭif), "feelings". Feminine.
- عوض (ʻAwaḍ), Awad. "Compensation". Masculine.
- عيسى (ʻĪsā), Isa. Islamic form of Jesus. Masculine.
- عيد (ʻĪd). "Feast, celebration". Masculine
غ Ġhayn[edit]
- غادة (Ġhādaḧ).
- غيث (Ġhāyssḧ). "The Help, or the rain after aridity". Masculine.
- غياث (Ġhāyassḧ). "The helper". Masculine.
- غالب (Ġhālebḧ). "The winner". Masculine.
- فاتن (Fātin). Fatin. "Captivating, charming". Feminine.
- فاديّ (Fādiyy). "The one that sacrifices oneself". Masculine.
- فهد (Fāhd). "Panther". Masculine.
- فاروق (Fārūq), Faruq. "One who distinguishes truth from falsehood." Masculine.
- فاطمة (Fāṭimaḧ), Fatima. Feminine.
- فايز (Fāyiz). "Winner". Masculine.
- 'ّفتحي (Fatḥiy). "Conqueror, opener". Masculine.
- فتحيّة (Fatḥiyyaḧ). Feminine form of Fathy.
- فرّج (Farraǧ), Farraj. "Deliverance". Masculine.
- فريد (Farīd). "Unique". Masculine.
- فرح (Farah), farrah, farah. "Happiness". Feminine.
- فواز (Fawwaz), Fawwaz. "One that wins continously or repeatedly". Masculine.
- فؤاد (Fuʼād), Fuad. "Heart". Masculine.
- فهميّ (Fahmiyy). "One that understands". Masculine.
- فوزيّ (Fawziyy), Fawzi. "One that wins". Masculine.
- فوزيّة (Fawziyyaḧ). "One that wins". Feminine.
ق Qāf[edit]
- قاسم (Qāsim), Abdul-Qasim, Qasim. "Distributor". Masculine.
- قصي (Qusai), Qusai, Qosai. "The far, far away". Masculine.
ك Kāf[edit]
- كاظم (Kāẓim). "One that holds his anger". Masculine.
- كامل (Kāmil), Kamil. "Perfect". Masculine.
- كريم (Karīm), Abdul-Karim, Karim. "Generous". Masculine.
- كريمة (Karīmaḧ). Feminine of "Karīm".
- كمال (Kamāl). "Completeness, perfectness". Masculine.
ل Lām[edit]
- لطيفة (Laṭīfaḧ), Latifa. "Delicate, cute, soft". Feminine.
- لمياء (Lamyāʼ), Lamya. "Dark lips". Feminine.
- ليانة (Layanah). "Smoothness, to have a flexible body". Feminine.
- لينا (Leena). "A small palm tree which does not have a hard trunk yet, soft or flexible body; opposite of hard". Feminine.
- ليلى (Laylā), Layla. "Woman of the night". Feminine.
- لبنى (Lubna). "A tree which yields an aromatic resin used in perfume and medicine". Feminine.
م Mīm[edit]
- ماجد (Mājid), Abdul-Majid. "Great". Masculine.
- مشعل (Mish’al). "Tourch". Masculine.
- مساعد (Musā’ad). "Helper, one that assists". Masculine.
- ميسون (Maysūn). [A name of a planet that gives a calm light] stands for tranquility". Feminine.
- معالي (Maali)Maali. "Royal, the Noble one, of high stature". Feminine.
- معروف (Ma’ruf), "Famous, well known." Masculine.
- محمّد (Muḥammad), Muhammad. "One that is continuously and repeatedly praised."(It is the most common name in the world). Masculine.
- محمود (Maḥmūd), Mahmud. "Praised man". Masculine.
- مديحة (Madīḥaḧ). Feminine.
- مريم (Maryam), Maryam. Arabic form of Mary. Feminine.
- مروان (Marwān), Marwan. "One that has been to Mount Marwa in Mecca". Masculine.
- مصطفى (Muṣṭafā), Mustafa. "Chosen one, selected from the best". Masculine.
- مشاري (Mishāri). Masculine.
- معاوية (Muʻāwiyaḧ), Muawiyah. "Howling bitch". Masculine.
- منال (Manāl) Feminine.
- منصور (Manṣūr), Mansur. "Divinely aided, victorious." Masculine.
- منى (Munā) "Wishes, hopes, desires". Feminine.
- منير (Munīr). "Enlightening". Masculine.
- منيرة (Munīraḧ). Feminine of Munir.
- مها (Mahā). "The Oryx, plural form". Feminine.
- مهاب (Mouhāb). "Looked upon with awe, highly respected and feared". Masculine.
- مهديّ (Mahdiyy). "Guided one". Masculine.
- موسى (Mūsā), Musa. Arabic form of Moses. Masculine.
ن Nūn[edit]
- نادية (Nādiyaḧ). Nadia "Covered with dew, tender". Feminine.
- ناصر (Nāṣir), Nasir. "Protector". Masculine.
- ناهد (Nāhid). "Venus". Feminine.
- نايف (Nāyif). "High". Masculine.
- نبيل (Nabīl), Nabil. "Noble, highborn". Masculine.
- نبيلة (Nabīlaḧ), Nabilah. "Noble, hghborn". Feminine.
- نجاة (Naǧāḧ). "To be saved". Feminine.
- نجاح (Naǧāḥ). "Success". Mostly Feminine, rarely Masculine.
- نجلاء (Naǧlāʼ). "Woman with black eyes". Feminine.
- نجمة (Naǧmaḧ). "Happiness, peaceful, bliss". Feminine.
- نجوى (Naǧwā). "To speak with love in a low voice". Feminine.
- نسرين (Nasrīn). "Wild rose", Persian name. Feminine.
- نضال (Nivḍāl). "Struggle, fight for one's rights". Both Masculine and Feminine.
- نعيمة (Naʻīmaḧ). "One that has been blessed". Feminine.
- نهلة (Nahlaḧ).
- نهاد (Nihād). Feminine.
- نوال (Nawāl). "to attain what has been wished for or dreamed of". Feminine.
- نور (Noor), Noor. "Light". Masculine.
- نورة (Noora), Noora. "Light". Feminine.
- ندى (Nada). "Dew". Feminine.
- نيرمين (Nermeen). Not Arabic. Feminine.
ه Hāʼ[edit]
- هادي (Hādi). "Guide". Masculine.
- هاشم (Hāshim), Hashim. "Pulverizer." Masculine.
- هارون (Hārūn). Arabic form of Aaron. Masculine.
- هالة (Hālaḧ). "The light that surrounds the moon". Feminine.
- هانم (Hānim), from Turkish "Lady". Feminine.
- هبة (Hibaḧ). "Gift". Feminine.
- هدى (Hudā). "Guidance". Feminine.
- همام (Humam). "Willful, energetic, brave, courageous". Masculine.
- هشام (Hishām). Masculine.
- هناء (Hanāʼ). "Happiness, contentness, comfort in life". Feminine.
- هند (Hind). "India". Feminine.
- هنيّة (Haniyyaḧ).
- هيام (Hiyām). "Strong love". Feminine.
- هيثم (Haytham). "Eagle". Masculine.
و Wāw[edit]
- وداد (Widād). "love, freindship". Feminine.
- وفاء (Wafāʼ). "Faithfulness". Feminine.
- وليد (Walīd). "Newborn". Masculine.
- وائل (ًWā'il). "Has much deer". Masculine.
- وجدي (ًWajdi). "Beloved". NEED EXPANDED MEANING. Masculine.
ي Yāʼ[edit]
- ياسر (Yāsir), Yasser. Masculine. "easy going, or rich, well off". Masculine.
- يحيى (Yaḥyā), Yahya. "He lives". Arabic form of John. Masculine.
- يعقوب (Yaʻqūb). Arabic form of Jacob. Masculine.
- يوسف (Yūsuf), Yusuf. "The LORD increases." Arabic form of Joseph. Masculine.
- يونس (Yūnus), Yūnus. "Dove." Arabic form of Jonah. Masculine.
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